8 September 2024
Doors open 7:40am
Breakfast served 7:40am-7:55am
School day starts 8:00am
School day ends 3:00pm
Miller's Memo
Parent/Guardians: Please help us keep our school safe and welcoming by supporting this policy with your student(s).
School Pictures
Backpack Policy
Students are allowed to bring a backpack to and from school on a daily basis. However, this year, students will be required to keep their backpack in their assigned locker during the school day. This policy will be enforced due to student and staff safety. Students will be expected to use their computer carrying case throughout the school day.
School Start Time
Friendly reminder that period 1 starts promptly at 8:00 this year. This is a change from the 2023-2024 school year.
Detention Policy
Detentions will be served every Wednesday from 2:00-3:30. Since school is dismissed at 2:00 on Wednesdays, and busses will run shortly after this, students and their families are expected to arrange for alternative transportation home if a student has detention on this day.
Before & After School Plans
Our school doors open for students at 7:40. Should your student arrive between 7:40 and 7:55, and if they are not working with a teacher or coach, they must stay in the cafeteria until 7:55. Wandering around the school building will not be permitted during this time.
The academic school day ends at 3:00 for students. Unless your student is working with a teacher or coach after school, they must be out of the building no later than 3:30. Wandering around the school building will not be permitted during this time. Students will be escorted out of the building at 3:30 if they are not working with a teacher or coach.
In the interest of student safety and well-being, security will be increased in all school buildings. All students must check in and out of the front office after the school day begins. Students who fail to do so will be considered truant. Parents must notify the school by 9:00 am each day their student is absent. The phone number to report absences at the High School is 641-257-6511. Please see page 7 of the Student Handbook for more information on student absences.
Meal Menus
See the website here for the breakfast and lunch menus. See the back to school article here for information on how to add money to a student meal account.
Athletic Events
See the district activity calendar here for upcoming events.