CCHS Weekly Newsletter

4 May 2024

Doors open 7:40am
Breakfast served 7:40am-7:55am
School day starts 8:05am
School day ends 3:00pm


May 6th-May 15:  AP Testing

May 15th:  Seniors Final Check-out, Graduation Practice, Class Walk-Through

May 19th:  Graduation

May 23rd:  End of 4th Quarter


A Note from Our Nursing Department

The school year is starting to come to an end! If your student has any unused medication in the nurse’s office, you will be receiving a letter in the mail asking for you to arrange for medication pick-up by Friday, May 24, 2024 at 12:00pm. Controlled substances, such as medications used to treat ADHD, anxiety, or seizure disorder, must be picked up by an adult. Any remaining medications after Friday, May 24 at 12:00pm will be properly disposed of by law enforcement. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a pick up of your student's medication, please call the health office at 641-257-6510 or email Nurse Valerie at

A Note from Sarah Wilcox, Our College & Career Transition Counselor

Opportunity:  Youth Mental Health First Aid

Earned Detentions

If students earned a detention between 5/6 and 5/10, they will receive an email from Ms. Johnson today, May 12th. Detentions are earned every time a student is marked as being unexcused (at least 10 minutes late to class, or skipping class all together) and/or every time a student has earned a group of three tardies. Please check with your student to see if they received an email from Ms. Johnson about an earned detention. Ask your student to read the contents of the email to you, so you are aware of the expectations for serving a detention as well as knowing how many detentions your student has earned. 

You can be proactive and check to see if your student has earned an unexcused absence or a group of three tardies between 5/6-5/10 by checking your student's attendance in PowerSchool. 

Students will receive an additional/separate email from Ms. Johnson today, 5/12, if they have past detentions to serve.

Students who are also athletes and/or who are participating in other school activities, need to prioritize serving their detentions before participating in their after-school events.

Seniors must serve all earned detentions---past & present---by Tuesday, May 14th in order to walk the stage for graduation.

Before & After School Plans

Our school doors open for students at 7:40. Should your student arrive between 7:40 and 7:55, and if they are not working with a teacher or coach, they must stay in the cafeteria until 7:55. Wandering around the school building will not be permitted during this time.

The academic school day ends at 3:00 for students. Unless your student is working with a teacher or coach after school, they must be out of the building no later than 3:30. Wandering around the school building will not be permitted during this time. Students will be escorted out of the building at 3:30 if they are not working with a teacher or coach.


In the interest of student safety and well-being, security will be increased in all school buildings. All students must check in and out of the front office after the school day begins. Students who fail to do so will be considered truant. Parents must notify the school by 9:00 am each day their student is absent. The phone number to report absences at the High School is 641-257-6511. Please see page 7 of the Student Handbook for more information on student absences.

Meal Menus

See the website here for the breakfast and lunch menus.  See the back to school article here for information on how to add money to a student meal account. 

Athletic Events

See the district activity calendar here for upcoming events.

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