Transition Alliance Program (TAP)
Transition Alliance Program (TAP) Brochure
What is the Transition Alliance Program (TAP)?
The Transition Alliance Program (TAP) is a partnership between Community School Districts and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS). Participants of TAP receive assistance in the areas of vocational training, independent living, and post-secondary education. Our goal is for young adults to develop positive work skills in order to obtain and maintain competitive integrated employment. TAP participants will receive follow-up services to assure long-term job success!
TAP Services
Job Exploration Counseling
Work-Based Learning Experiences Workplace Readiness Training
Post-Secondary Training Opportunities Self-Advocacy Instruction
Job Placement
Independent Living Skills
Follow-Up and Monitoring (until 25)
Benefits To Students
∙ The student is the focus of TAP, & activities are directed to help the student achieve successful employment in a job that matches interests, strengths and preferences
∙ Enhanced transition services and Individualized attention
∙ Development of job-seeking and job-keeping skills
∙ Assistance in locating and maintaining employment
∙ Opportunity to move into further education or training program with support
∙ Assistance with connecting individual to housing, medical, and financial resources
∙ Year-round support
∙ Follow-up and monitoring through age 25
∙ Obtaining necessary life skills to become more prepared for adult life
∙ Focus on continued development toward being a responsible citizen and lifelong learner
Benefits To Employer
∙ Offer employers a competitive advantage by referring pre-screened, qualified applicants
∙ Opportunities for instructional training or job coaching to provide support to the student
∙ Community is able to see businesses’ commitment to hiring area youth
∙ Assists in building a diverse workforce
∙ Provide the most up-to-date information on disability related tax credits and deductions
Reduced turnover and absenteeism
∙ Help employer build a future workforce by referring qualified interns and/or trainees who want to learn about the business while the employer gets an opportunity to view the quality of their work
∙ Follow-along services by TAP staff assists in employee and employer support
For further information:
Dan Klatt, TAP Coordinator
(641) 426-5094
(641) 257-6510
Heather Kowalski, TAP Assistant Coordinator
(641) 257-6510
DeDe Maloy, IVRS Counselor
(641) 422-1551x 44553
(515) 339-7631