Washington Weekly Newsletter

Week of November 10

Our Mission

To challenge all students to achieve their full potential through engaging, responsive, educational experiences that inspire innovation, critical thinking, and collaboration.


In an effort to save paper, we will not be printing lunch menus this year.  Please follow this link to know what is available for the day. Students will be given the choice of three entrees each morning, and a color-coded lunch ticket will ensure they receive the correct meal.

Important Upcoming Dates:

School Calendar

November 14th: Math and Literacy Night, 5:30 - 7:00

November 27th - December 1: Thanksgiving Break

A Message from PTO: We are participating in Box Tops for Education. The process has changed quite a bit from having to turn in physical box tops. The process has now gone completely digital. Please visit the website to get more information! 

If you missed any newsletters, you can find them here!

This week’s cycle days:

Monday, November 11th: Day 2

Tuesday, November 12th: Day 3

Wednesday, November 13th: Day 4

Thursday, November 14th: Day 1

Friday, November 15th: Day 2


Principal’s Press


I can personally attest to the number of germs, bugs, and viruses floating around at Washington, as I have missed much of this past school week due to illness. Please be sure to protect yourself and your family as much as you can from illnesses this winter- eat lots of healthy foods, get good rest, drink lots of water, and wash your hands frequently. It’s always hard to be away but I hope to be back to full strength this week!

  • ‘Tis the season of extra layers and lost items! If you sent a sweatshirt, hat, gloves, or jacket with your child and they didn’t bring it home, chances are the items are on our Lost and Found table. Please stop by to take a look when you have time. All items left on the table at Winter Break will be donated.
  • If you are interested in joining our Parent Advisory Committee or Preschool Advisory Committee, please email me at Neither committee will require a great time commitment. Your contributions and ideas are valuable and we’d love to have them!
  • Our Math and Literacy Night is THIS WEEK! This fun event will take place on Thursday, November 14th, from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. We will have free food available and you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about what your child(ren) are learning in their classrooms each day. This is a wonderful chance to gain ideas of how to help your child at home to learn the skills they need to succeed!
  • Here are some great reasons to make time for kids to play. Play can build skills such as interpersonal communication, problem solving, critical thinking, and imaginative thinking. Need ideas? Here are a few!
  • With the state’s new school attendance laws in place, it is more important than ever to let us know the reason for your student’s absence(s). Please call us at 641-257-6571 any time you need to report an absence. Use this infographic as a quick reference to our new attendance rules. A full description of our new attendance policies can be found here.
  • Speaking of attendance, our classrooms will be earning rewards when all students are in class for ten days. Each classroom will fill a ten frame, with each space representing a day when all students are in attendance. When the ten frame is full, the classroom will celebrate! We can’t wait to see how our classrooms celebrate their outstanding attendance!

Have a great week!

Joe Carney

Physical Education

Next week we will continue our “Wrestling” Unit.  We will focus on the skills that lead up to the sport of wrestling.  We will do several activities that involve keeping your balance, understanding your body positioning while pushing or pulling on someone.  We will also work on the Duck Walk.  This will prepare them for takedowns.  These activities will work on muscle strength and coordination too.

Counselor’s Connection


If you need anything, you can reach me by calling 641-257-6570 EXT 4053 or by email

Thank you so much! Sandy Thomson, CCCSD Elementary School counselor

Library Activities

Happy November!  Kindergarteners and 1st graders are practicing their mouse and keyboard skills for a few weeks before we continue focusing on our library standards.  A big shout out to the Decker family for their donation of books to our library.  This is greatly appreciated!  Thank you to all the Washington families for their continuous literacy support at home.  “Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible,” (Barack Obama).

Nurse’s Nook

Fever, coughing, headache, and ear aches OH MY!

We are starting to see an increase in illness rates at Washington Elementary this week.  No particular illness is being reported, but we are starting to notice a lot of runny noses and coughing wandering our hallways.  

We would like to remind our families to please keep your student home if they have a fever (temp above 100.4F), vomiting or having diarrhea, or are too sick to participate normally.  Please call in your child’s absence to our attendance line at 641-257-6571.

Please remind your student to wash their hands, cover their coughs, and use kleenexes to blow their noses.  There is still time to get vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 if you have not had the chance to do so. 

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